What’s New With the FAFSA?

An Overview of the New FAFSA Changes in 2024

申请大学对学生和家长来说都是压力很大的. Add in the extra challenge of paying for higher education; it can all feel overwhelming.

Luckily, you’re not alone. 高中毕业生和他们的家人可以向辅导员求助, admissions staff, and faculty heads for extra support and guidance on the admissions and financial aid process. 我们会让你从你需要的背景知识开始,让你自信地参加大学预科会议.

学生为获得教育资金而采取的最常见的步骤之一是通过免费申请联邦学生援助申请经济援助, known as the FAFSA. 事实上,FAFSA非常普遍,在正规的网赌平台,99%的学生 receive grants or scholarships to fund their higher education.


What is the FAFSA?

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) 是学生及其家庭经济援助的主要来源之一吗. 这份申请中的信息决定了个人获得经济援助的资格,并使他们有机会获得380亿美元的经济援助,其形式为:

  • Federal grants
  • Merit scholarships
  • Student loans
  • State and school-based aid
  • Work-study opportunities

So it’s a pretty important form! Luckily, these days, the FAFSA can be quickly submitted online. 在2024年完成FAFSA之后,你会更好地了解你的 options for paying for college.


What’s new with the FAFSA in 2024?

All US citizens and permanent residents, 谁希望获得政府的高等教育资助, 申请联邦财政援助必须每年填写FAFSA.

第一次和返回的申请人都应该知道并了解所有新的FAFSA更新, which are improving and streamlining the application process. Seriously, the changes make it easier for us all!

Let’s see what they are in more detail.

Update #1: New deadlines

The new FAFSA 2024-2025 application launched on December 31st, 2023. And the deadline to submit the 2024-2025 form is June 30th, 2025, so students still have some time to get used to the changes.

Keep in mind that some states and colleges have their own deadlines for financial aid, so be sure to check your desired school’s deadlines.

At University of Bridgeport, for example, 3月15日是康涅狄格州居民申请2024-2025学年州政府资助的截止日期, 4月1日是正规的网赌平台在2024-2025年FAFSA的优先截止日期.

Update #2: Contributor designation

The term “contributor” is a new FAFSA designation in 2024. This refers to anyone (you, your spouse, your biological or adoptive parent, or your parent’s spouse) who’s asked to provide their information, consent, 并批准将他们的联邦税务信息自动从IRS转移到FAFSA表格中, and signature on your FAFSA form. 捐款人必须参加申请人的FAFSA表格,以确定他们是否有资格获得联邦学生援助.

Note: Unless they’ve legally adopted you, your grandparents, foster parents, siblings, 叔叔阿姨也不被认为是贡献者——即使他们帮助抚养了你, their tax information won’t be necessary to complete the FAFSA.

Dependent students’ parents will be identified as contributors. 如果父母结婚但不共同纳税,父母双方都将被指定为一个供税人. For married independent students, 如果学生已婚但不共同纳税,FAFSA将确定独立学生的配偶作为捐款人.

Rest assured, applicants will know if they need to add contributors, 新的FAFSA在线表格会根据某些问题的答案告诉你.

Update #3: Importing tax information



投稿人必须提供同意和批准,即使他们没有社会安全号码(SSN)。, didn’t file a tax return, or filed a tax return outside the U.S. If you or your contributors don’t provide consent and approval, you won’t be eligible for federal student aid.


Financial aid doesn’t have to be a mystery! 获得我们专业的金融服务团队的个性化支持.


Update #4: Fewer questions

新的FAFSA申请比前几年的问题要少得多. 事实上,一些学生只需要在新表格上回答18个问题.

Additionally, 学生不再需要注册选择性服务来完成FAFSA, 由于该问题不再包括在内,因此仅与毒品有关的定罪不再取消申请人的资格.

Update #5: FAFSA financial aid eligibility

In the past, FAFSA申请使用预期家庭贡献(EFC)来确定学生支付大学费用的能力和他们可以获得的经济援助金额.

The new FAFSA, however, 学生资助指数(SAI)取代预期家庭贡献(EFC), 这是基于候选人和他们的贡献者在FAFSA中提供的信息.

大学财政援助办公室使用这个指数来计算基于需求的财政援助. 您的需求将通过从学校的出勤成本中减去您的SAI来计算.

With this new formula, 候选人也有资格获得额外的联邦和基于需求的佩尔助学金. 赠款考虑家庭规模、调整后总收入(AGI)和贫困指导方针.

How to apply for the FAFSA in 2024

现在你已经有了2024年FAFSA的所有主要更新,是时候了 apply:

  • Step 1: Gather information about yourself and your family, including social security numbers, family size and income, personal income (if any), and a list of colleges you are applying to. With the FAFSA in 2024, 申请者最多可以列出20所大学,而以前只能列出10所.
  • Step 2: 为你和你的资助人获得一个联邦学生援助(FSA)的ID, and then fill out the student and contributor information, including everyone’s financial information.
  • Step 3: Double-check your information, sign, and submit the FAFSA online to the US Department of Education. 如果在线提交申请,他们通常会在3到5天内处理申请,如果提交纸质申请,他们会在7到10天内处理申请.

学生和他们的家庭有多种方式支付大学费用, but the FAFSA in 2024 is one, if not the most important. Plus, with all the new FAFSA updates, 现在申请联邦财政援助比以往任何时候都更加简化和有利.

Contact us 了解更多十大网赌平台正规的网赌平台财政援助资格和机会的信息. 我们可以一起帮助你获得尽可能多的经济援助!